Thursday, October 28, 2010

An Introduction

“All are worn down, the time for sleep is now, but it’s nothing to cry about..”
--Death Cab for Cutie

I can’t help but think about the lyric above and the song it comes from, “I’ll Follow You Into The Dark”, as I write this evening. Admittedly, it’s very late, but this is the time I begin to think, ponder and wrestle with God and His plans for me. Some of you reading this may know of my current situation. I am in the middle of what would be the fall semester of my third year at Mississippi State. I am not in Starkville, MS. I am home in Long Beach.

The decision to come home was not an easy or noble one on my part as many of you might think. I went kicking and screaming the entire way and I have just recently accepted fully the fact that I will not be permanently returning to MSU before (at the earliest) January of 2011. My parents demanded that I come home after several days of being unable to reach me this summer while I was getting fired and not re-applying to MSU. I had dropped the final ball, and it was time to come home and face the music. It was time to grow up and be a man, not a boy, of God.

I’m a people person by nature. I love being around people, interacting with people, watching people and, most of all, talking to and with people. This includes writing, which is why I think I will declare journalism as my final choice of major in January. I say of all this to talk about the reason for this blog. I have to have an outlet. Some of you have dealt with my whining over texts and calls these past 3 months and I do appreciate that. I will continue to engage in those points of contact. However, I find myself wanting to say things that a lot of people will hear. Maybe some of you will be able to avoid the same mistakes I made. Maybe some of you would care to offer some advice, or weigh in on topics that I’ll bring up. Maybe some of you are bored to tears and need another fool’s writing to read. Whatever the reason, I’m glad you’re here.

I won’t start us off for too much tonight; this was more about me remembering the sensation of writing with a purpose again, as well as introducing myself to the blog. Surely more is to come in the next hours, days and months, so I will leave us for now.

Thought of the Moment: If we believe in a perfect and sovereign God, who never loses control and works everything according to His will, then why do we complain so much?

Exodus 4: 10-17 – Moses’ excuse, God’s response.

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